De F.I.E. heeft een aantal wijzigingen aangebracht in haar officiële kalender.
Hieronder een overzicht van deze wijzigingen en tevens een aantal belangrijke mededelingen die voor u van belang kunnen zijn. =========================== 1) 2003/2004 calendar a) The individual GP-Arbitres and team tournaments at senior women’s foil « Trophée Lancia » that were to be held in Turin (ITA) on February 6, 7 and 8, 2004, will be held on January 31st, february 1st and 2nd, 2004 in Cômo and will be named « Trofeo Esperia ». b) The junior A-grade tournament at men’s foil «Tournoi Citta di Como » that was to be held on February 1st, 2004 will be held on February 8, 2004 in Cômo (ITA). c) In order to use the venues for the 2004 junior and cadet World Championships in Bulgaria, the GP competition at men’s sabre of March 27 and 28, 2004 (Glaive d’Asparouch) will be held in Plovdiv and not in Sofia. d) In response to the proposal of the European Fencing Confederation for 4 cities to organise the zonal olympic qualification competitions, the Bureau of the FIE chose Belgium as a candidate to organise the competitions at all 3 weapons. This decision was ratified by the Executive Committee. The 2003/2004 FIE official calendar was modified on the FIE Internet web site. e) The Kuweit Fencing Federation has asked us to remind all federations that the deadline for the entries for the senior men’s épée competition in Kuweit City was established at November 5, 2003. The participating national federations are kindly requested to contact the Fencing Federation of Kuweit. ============================= 1) 2003/2004 Calendar I wish to let you know that the Cuban Fencing Federation has just informed us that for financial reasons, it is forced to cancel the organisation of the 6 junior A-grade competitions, that were to be held in Havana from December 12 to 14, 2003. The e-mail address that was given to us for the rooms reservations in Hotel Westin in Leipzig has just been modified (by the hotel) to The deadline for the reservations is thus postponed to October 25, 2003. ============================= De volledige berichten zijn te lezen op de site vd F.I.E. K.N.A.S. Internationaal